Getting Started with Admin Dashboard

Getting Started with Admin Dashboard is easy! All you need to do is follow these simple steps:- 

Create Groups

Start with creating groups to design, manage, view and control the ride policy for different bands of employees. To create a group, select Groups and click on Add Group.

Enter Group name and assign ride settings to the group such as ride type, day of the week, and time of day. Click on SAVE option on the bottom of the screen to successfully create a group and to save group settings.

Add Employees

You can add Employees to Ola corporate program by either using Add Employees from the Employees section on the left or Home-Uploading More Employees.

Here you can upload through a CSV file or manually by clicking on the ‘Add Employee Manually’ option. Once employees are successfully added, an invitation is sent to the employees for joining Ola Corporate program.

Track Rides

Click on the Rides option on the left  and you can view the details of each ride taken by your employee. Now you can track rides once the ride is marked as corporate. Employees can also add ride reasons helping them in differentiating corporate rides from personal rides. Admins can also view expense report, and download invoices of Rides whenever an employee takes a ride using Ola Corporate.

Rides Approval

Click on Rides Approval to approve or reject an employee’s rides as corporate rides.This option will be available only if you are an Admin. You can click on Seek Details if you require more clarity from the employee on the rides taken.

Make Payment

Recharge your corporate account in Payments. All you need to do is to fill in the recharge amount and click Recharge to initiate the recharge process.

Note: Minimum recharge amount is Rs 5000. 

You can also set up standing instructions for your Ola Corporate account with which you will no longer need to worry about recharging your Ola Corporate account.



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