Setting up Standing Instructions

Standing Instructions is an option available to corporates to set recurring bank instructions to recharge their Ola Corporate account. By setting up a 'Standing Instructions', you no longer need to worry about recharging your Ola Corporate account or account balance running low as the account will be recharged automatically.

You can set up standing instructions on your Visa or Mastercard card to recharge your Ola Corporate account for a specified amount. Whenever the account balance reaches below 10% of the specified recharge amount or below Rs. 1000 (whichever is higher), corporate account will be recharged automatically as per the standing instructions set.

Note - Amex support coming soon. 

Setting up Standing Instructions

You can set up standing instructions for your Visa or Mastercard to recharge your Ola Corporate account for a pre specified amount.

Follow these simple steps to setup standing instructions for your Ola Corporate account:-

  1. Log in to your Ola Corporate account and click on Payments
  2. On Payment screen, click on Standing Instructions.
  3. In Setup Standing Instructions, fill in the recharge amount in the space provided for which you would like to issue Standing Instructions and Click on Setup


4. On the BillDesk Payment Gateway, enter your credit card/debit card details and click on Make Payment.
5. You will be redirected to your bank website to complete the transaction by entering verification details.

Your account will be recharged and standing instructions will be setup successfully. With standing instructions setup successfully, you will no longer need to worry  about recharging your Ola Corporate account or account balance running low as your account will be recharged automatically when account balance reaches below 10 percent of the recharge value or Rs 1000 (whichever is higher).

Note -  You can always choose to recharge your corporate account by using Recharge Now option available on the Payment page even after setting up standing instructions for your Ola Corporate account.

Deleting Standing Instructions

Setting up standing instructions offers added convenience. However, if you would like to withdraw/delete standing instructions setup for your Ola Corporate account, all you need to do is- 

  1. Log in to your Ola Corporate account and click on Payments
  2. On Payment screen, click on Standing Instructions.
  3. In Setup Standing Instructions, click on the Delete icon on the bottom left  of the screen.
  4. Affirm deletion by clicking Confirm.

Standing instructions setup for your Ola Corporate account will be deleted successfully with the message appearing on the screen deleted successfully.

Post Paid Recharge Option

If you would like to opt for postpaid option and avail a credit for your corporate account, please write to us at [email protected].




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