Add employees to Ola Corporate program

You can add Employees to your Ola corporate program by either uploading CSV files or by adding employees manually

Add Users by CSV file.

To do so, you have to click on Home>Invite More Employees or click on Employees> Add Employees. In both cases you would be directed to the same page.

You can add multiple employee details into a CSV file and have it uploaded in bulk here. A sample format of the CSV file with column headers- name, email id and group is available for download on the ‘Download Sample CSV file’ option. Please note that to upload the file without any hassle it must be as per the sample file which is provided

To upload:

1. Click on the ‘Import list of Employees’ where you can drop a file to upload.The supported file format is CSV.

2. Once you upload you can see the correct and incorrect entries. Correct entries can be viewed. For incorrect entries you would get the option of editing the same.
3. To edit an uploaded file - the column headings must match with the sample CSV file provided, group names must be one which is already created.

  1. Once done, click on ‘Send Invites’.  Note- Invites would be sent only for the correct entries.
  2. Employee will be successfully added to Ola Corporate program with the status Pending. Once employee activates his/her Ola Corporate account, the status will change to Active.

Alternately you can choose to add employees manually. Simply click on the ‘Add Employees Manually’ section and fill in details like- Full name, *Email Address and Group. Once done click on ‘Send Invites’ .



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