How is Upfront Fares Calculated?

Upfront Fare Calculation: 

  • Upfront fare is  calculated based on the category & customer entered destination before booking
  • It will be calculated by applying the relevant rate card to the estimated trip distance and estimated  trip time
  • System will calculate the bill as per the actual route. At the end of the trip, it will be compared with the Upfront Fare
  • Final bill will be the bill shown to the customer at the end of the Trip
  • There will be a buffer amount (which is dynamic) considered while Final Invoice calculation i.e. Upfront will not be dishonored till that buffer

 However, there are Situations when Upfront Pricing may not be honored i.e. the final fare might vary. Such as:

Destination Change: If the final destination is different from entered destination

Toll Difference: If the tolls in the upfront route is different from the actual route

Bill Change (High Ride Time or Distance): The route taken is different from what is suggested (deviation) etc.,

CRM Invoice View:

There will be a new field ‘Billing Type’. This will show following values:

  • Upfront: If Upfront Fare is applicable and Honoured
  • Actual: If Upfront Fare is not applicable
  • Upfront Actual (Upfront is striked through): If Upfront fare is applicable and not Honoured
  • Upfront: If after recompletion, Upfront is Honoured again (Recompleted Invoice will be updated in Detailed Invoice Section)
  • Actual: If after recompletion, Upfront is not Honoured again (Recompleted Invoice will be updated in Detailed Invoice Section)






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