Account Related: Getting unwanted Email/SMS

Voice/Email Team:

  • Verify the email address / Phone number using CRM

  • Probe & understand if the customer is referring to the SMS/Email

Marketing Related SMS/Email:

  1. Educate to Unsubscribe the email
  2. SMS- Inform to contact mobile service provider to activate DND
  3. Dispose the call (How to Dispose?)

Booking Related SMS/Email:

  1. Capture Booking ID – Validate & Educate about the Booking Details
  2. If Customer has not booked – Educate to change the account password to avoid misuse – Ask to Cancel the booking.(How to Cancel a Booking through App?)
  3. If Customer requests to close the account – Raise a Ticket under Request > Deletion of Ola Account – Inform TAT “Within 48 hours” (How to Raise a Ticket?)
  4. Tech Issue – Raise a Ticket under Complaint > Account Issue > Getting Unwanted Email/SMS – Inform TAT “Within 48 hours” (How to Raise a Ticket?)

Email Team:

  1. Follow the steps as mentioned above
  2. Submit the ticket as the “I am Solving this ticket” or“I need to Escalate this Ticket” and send an acknowledgement email to the customer. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Tech Team (only when ticket is escalated):

  1. Verify issue as in the ticket.
  2. Post verification; use MAPI to delink the email/phone number.
  3. If it is driver's SMS, verify and escalate the ticket to relevant BD team (based on SMS content) BD team would remove the number from the database.
  4. Create a JIRA ticket to Tech Team with full details of the issue. (How to raise a Jira Ticket?)
  5. Follow up with tech and monitor the closure of the issue.
  6. Once the issue is solved, submit the ticket using the macro I am solving this ticket with the details of the resolution. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Disposition: Complaint > Account Issue > Getting Unwanted Email/SMS (How to Dispose?)





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