Service Related: Ola Credit

We are launching a feature called Ola Credit for a select list of customers, wherein customers will be able to take credit rides for a certain frame.

What is Ola Credit?

A select base of customers will be able to take a credit of INR 1500 in their Ola Money account and take rides for a period of 7 days worth the INR 1500.

Ex-customer has 0 Ola Money balance and is a whitelisted user. He will be able to take rides for up to INR 1500 and his Ola money will show negative balance for 7 days. Post that, the Ola Money will continue to show negative however the customer won't be able to take credit rides till the amount is paid off.

What to do if the customer calls CC?

If the customer calls CC, the call must be transferred to Ola Money team. No additional action is needed; Disposition: Other > Call Transfer > Ola Money (How to Dispose?)


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