Charged without taking a Ride - City Taxi/Share/Auto

Disposition:  Complaint :: Billing Issue :: Charged without Taking a Ride

Status: Ride In Progress
Applicable Categories: City Taxi/Share/Auto
Applicable Queues: CC Voice/Email

  • Apologize for the inconvenience and inform the customer that we had introduced OTP/CRN input validation in our system in order to address these issues proactively and henceforth suggest them not to share the OTP/CRN without boarding the cab
  • If the mode of payment is Cash, then after the completion of the trip, once the Invoice gets generated, request them to ignore the invoice, assure that necessary actions would be taken against the Partner and there wouldn’t be any further deduction for this ride. Report the Partner. Suggest them that they can register a complaint through App for quick resolution in future
  • In case of Wallet deduction/Coupon applied/Share pass utilized, request them to wait till the trip is completed (they would get App notification on completion) and then register a complaint in “Support”. Share the self-serve link.


Status: Ride Completed
Applicable Categories: City Taxi/Share/Auto
Scenario: Wallet Not Debitedo Coupon Applied/Share Pass not utilized
Applicable Queues: CC Voice/Email

  • Apologize for the inconvenience and inform the customer that we had introduced OTP/CRN input validation in our system in order to address these issues proactively and henceforth suggest them not to share the OTP/CRN without boarding the cab
  • Request the customer to ignore the invoice and assure them that necessary actions would be taken against the Partner and there wouldn’t be any further deduction for this ride
  • Report the Partner with reason “Start Stop Trip”
  • Suggest them that they can register a complaint through App for quick resolution in future


Status: Ride Completed
Applicable Categories: City Taxi/Share/Auto
Scenario: Wallet Debited/Coupon applied/Share Pass Utilized
Applicable Queues: CC Voice/Email

  • Apologize for the inconvenience; check in the CRM and confirm Payment Mode & Deduction
  • Inform the customer that we had introduced OTP/CRN input validation in our system in order to address these issues proactively and henceforth suggest them not to share the OTP/CRN without boarding the cab
  • Ride Booking Time > 72 hrs:
  • Request the customer to ignore the invoice
  • If Customer asks for Refund/Reversal of Coupon or Share Pass, then politely inform that we would not be able to process refund/reversal, however assure them that we would take necessary actions against the Partner to control this in future. Report the Partner with reason “Start Stop Trip”
  • Ride Booking Time < 72 hrs:
  • Request the customer to ignore the invoice
  • Request the customer to register a complaint through Support and share the self-serve link. Inform the customer that our system will validate the request and if applicable the refund will be provided accordingly


Status: Ride Completed
Applicable Categories: City Taxi/Share/Auto
Scenario: Wallet Debited/Coupon applied/Share Pass Utilized
Applicable Queues: Ticketing (when a ticket gets assigned/escalated)

Note:  If customer registers a complaint through Self-Serve & if the refund amount limit is exceeded (200 for City Taxi & 100 for Share), an open ticket will be created which gets assigned to Ticketing Team.

  • Check the Payment Mode & validate the Wallet/Coupon/Share Pass deduction. If there are no deductions, then revert to the customer accordingly
  • Check the credit history - Customer is eligible for only maximum 5 credits in a month

If the distance travelled < 300m & no credit in last 30 days:

  • Refund using Credit/Debit Tool with reason “Charged without taking a ride”
  • Report the Partner with reason “Start Stop Trip”
  • Request them not to share OTP/CRN without boarding the cab in future rides & suggest them that they can register a complaint through App for quick resolution in future
  • Request the customer to ignore the invoice
  • Only for Non-Select Customers - Inform them that the Refund is processed as a one-time gesture and we would not be able to assist next time on similar issues faced. 

If the distance travelled > 300m (or) Credit in last 30 days:

  • Validate by out-calling the Partner
    • Not Validated – No Refund
    • Validated – Refund using Credit/Debit tool with reason “Charged without taking a ride” & Report the partner with the reason “Start Stop Trip”. Credit Coupon/Share Pass if applicable.
    • Request them not to share OTP/CRN without boarding the cab in future rides & suggest them that they can register a complaint through App for quick resolution in future
    • Request the customer to ignore the invoice
    • Only for Non-Select Customers - Inform them that the Refund is processed as a one-time gesture and we would not be able to assist next time on similar issues faced. 
  • If Partner is not reachable even after 3 attempts, then process refund basis VOC (4 hrs of gap should be there between every attempt)


Self-Serve Refund (City Taxi/Share/Auto) - Critical Points for Internal Reference:

  • The customer can claim refund only within 3 days – i.e. 72 hrs of ride booking time
  • Normal customers (non-select) are eligible for refund only once in a lifetime & Select customers are eligible for refund only once in 30 days. The eligibility will be considered for City Taxi + Share + Auto together. For e.g. if a Normal customer has already availed a refund for City Taxi ride, then they will not be eligible for any other refund either for City Taxi or for Share category
  • Customers who are eligible for refund, an immediate resolution will be provided for refund amount up to ₹ 200 for City Taxi & Auto and  ₹ 100 for Share. If the refund amount limit is exceeded, an open ticket will be created through Self-serve which will be assigned to Ticketing team
  • Before processing the refund, customer will be informed that in case, any dispute is raised from the Partner; customer might be asked to payback
  • Refund will be processed to the respective source wallet (for cash, the amount will be refunded to Ola Money)


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