Billing Issue: Rate card

For City Taxi:-

Voice Team:

  1. Double-tap or press and hold a cab category icon (Ex: Micro, Mini, Sedan or Prime) to get the fare breakup of that category.
  2. You can also check fares after you've chosen a category and selected RIDE NOW or RIDE LATER. You’ll see a Rate Card button that you can tap to check fares.
  3. We have a Rate Card section in the app where you can check fares for different cities.
  4. You can also check fares for different cities on our website -

Dispose the call under Query > Billing enquiry > Rate card

Email Team: Follow the steps as stated above and submit the ticket with the macro I am solving the ticket.

For Ola Auto/ KP:-

Agent Voice and Email: Use KMS to explain rate card to customers. 

For Outstation Cabs:-

No ticket to be raised. Resolve and dispose

Explain the Rate card structure

Rate card structure:

1. Base fare for 250km per 24 hour - This is the minimum amount that will be charged for up to 250km travelled in 24 hours

2. For every additional km - 10 rs/ km

3. If the vehicle is engaged anytime between 11pm and 6 am - Night time charges will be applicable

4. Swachh Bharat tax and service tax will be applied on the total fare = which is Base fare + distance fare + Night time charges

Not a part of the invoice:-

  1. Driver bata and toll/parking fees are not a part of the rate card or invoice. The customer has to pay toll separately. Its up to the customer to pay any other additional charges to the driver if the customer wants to.
  2. The final bill is always inclusive of the roundtrip fare i.e customer always pays for the round trip, even if he/she doesn't do the round trip.
  3. Peak time charges won't be applicable at all.


1) 2-day trip and if the customer has travelled 200km - Minimum of 250 km per day will be charged.

Bill = Base fare for day 1 for 250km + Base fare for day 2 for 250km + night charges & taxes

2) 2 day trip and travel distance = 550km

A) Base fare charges = Base fare for day 1, 250km = 2500Rs + Base fare for day 2 for 250km = 2500Rs

Travelled distance - total base fare distance = 550-500 = 50km = additional kms

B) Additional km charges = 50*10 = 500Rs

C) Bill = 2500+2500 + 500 + night charges & taxes


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