Ride Related: Co-Passenger Delay - Ola Share

Voice/Email Team:

Apologize - Outcall the driver

Wait time is more than 3 minutes at co-passenger pickup point:-

  1. Cancel the co-passenger booking & inform driver to continue with the trip

Wait time is less than 3 minutes at co-passenger pickup point:-

  1. Outcall co-passenger- Check will it take time if "YES" then cancel the booking (How to Cancel the booking on CRM?) request co-passenger to book another cab using Ola app.
  2. Report Driver - Reason: "Un Professional Behavior" if client located was not selected on time. (How to Report Driver?)

Share Ticketing Team (only when ticket is escalated):

  1. Follow the steps as mentioned above.
  2. Submit the ticket using the macro I am solving this ticket communicating that proper action has been taken on the complaint. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

 Disposition: Complaint > Ride Delayed > Co-Passenger Delay (How to Dispose?)


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