Ride Related: Ride Later

The cab allotment communication will be sent 15 minutes prior to the pickup time subject to availability via In-app notification to the app device.

Case1: Allotment Pending 

If customer doesn’t get the details:-

  1. Ask to wait until 15 minutes prior to the time of ride
  2. Suggest to turn on the internet to receive driver details through In-app notification
  3. If details were not received 15 minutes prior to the pickup time - Guide to use the “Ride Now” option to avail the nearest Ola cab. (How to Book a Cab?)

If customer doesn’t get the details and no cab is available nearby:-

  1. Apologize - Request to make an alternate option this time to avoid delay in schedule

Disposition: Query > Ride later related (How to Dispose?)

Case2: Cab Allotted  

Driver not Contactable/Driver Denied Duty

Refer KB Article: Ride Related: Cab Arrival Delay


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