App Related: Ola Share Unable to Sign in for a Group

When customer calls complaining that he is unable to sign in for a group :-

  1. Get the exact failure message from the customer.
  2. Give the basic troubleshooting steps:

Check if the App is updated, and the customer is connected to the network. 

      3. If the customer is trying to create a group then give the steps/guidelines to create a group.

      4. If the customer is not able to create a group after following the guidelines, then ask for the screenshot of the error.

Voice Team: 

Raise a ticket - Describe the full issue of the customer in the ticket - Inform TAT "Within 48 hrs" (How to Raise a Ticket?)

Email Team: 

  1. Add Internal note on the issue. 
  2. Submit the ticket as the "I need to Escalate this Ticket" and send an acknowledgement email to the customer. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Tech Team (only when ticket is escalated):

  1. Verify the issue as described in the ticket.
  2. Get additional info from the customer if required.
  3. Create a JIRA ticket to Tech Team with full details of the issue.
  4. Follow up with tech and monitor the closure of the issue.
  5. Once the issue is solved - Submit the ticket using the macro I am solving this ticket with the details of the resolution.(How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Disposition: Complaint > App issue > Unable to sign in for a group (How to Dispose?)


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