Other: Ticket Follow-up

Voice/Email Team:

For City Taxi/Ola Share/Ola Rental/Ola Outstation/Auto KP:

Click on Open Ticket Details in Zendesk – Convey the Resolution

Add Private Note – Dispose the call (How to Dispose?)

  • If Customer disputes the resolution given – Reopen the Ticket (Supervisor Input Mandate)

Note: Driver Denied duty / Driver Behaviour are considered to be Solved Tickets

Disposition: Complaint > Ticket Follow-Up for the CRN wherein ticket was already raised (How to Raise a Ticket?)

Ticketing Team (only when ticket is escalated):

  1. Follow the process as per scenario to provide resolution
  2. Once the issue is solved, Submit the ticket using the macro I am solving the ticket with the details of resolution (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Disposition: Complaint > Ticket Followup (How to Dispose?)


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