Account Related: Deletion of Ola Account

Customer calls in requesting to delete their Ola account for reasons:

  1. Unhappy with Ola Service
  2. Moving Abroad 

Voice/Email Team:

  1. Inform – Not to delete – Can use it in future
  2. If customer insists for Account Deletion – Raise a Ticket – Inform TAT “Within 48 hours” (How to Raise a Ticket?)

Email Team: 

  1. Follow the steps as mentioned above
  2. Submit the ticket as the“I need to Escalate this Ticket” and send an acknowledgement email to the customer. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Ticketing Team(Only when ticket is escalated):

  1. Verify the issue as described in the ticket
  2. Delete the account as per customer’s request using the option – “Deactivated based on customer request”

 How to De-Activate the User Account?

  1. Click on Update Profile 
  2. Select "Ban"
  3. Choose the reason "Deactivated based on Customer Request"
  4. Click on Update

Disposition: Request > Deletion of Ola Account (How to Dispose?)



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