App Related: Ola Share Icon not Visible on the App

Voice/Email Team:

Step 1: Follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned below.

  1. Check Account Status - If banned - Educate  and inform to raise a request to unban using self-serve.
  2. Check for Ola Share Availability - Thank the customer for his interest in Ola Share – Will communicate once it’s launched in your city.
  3. Verify Ola app version - Inform to upgrade the Ola app to the latest version

Step 2: If issue not resolved by step 1, Raise ticket and inform TAT “within 48 hours” (How to Raise a Ticket?)

Do not ask the customer to send an email to [email protected]

Email Team:

Step 1: Follow the steps mentioned above – Submit the ticket as “I am solving this ticket”. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Tech Team (only when ticket is escalated):

  1. Verify the issue as described in the ticket.
  2. Get additional info from the customer if required.
  3. Create a JIRA ticket to Tech Team with full details of the issue. (How to raise a Jira Ticket?)
  4. Follow up with tech and monitor the closure of the issue.
  5. Once the issue is solved - Submit the ticket using the macro I am solving this ticket with the details of the resolution. (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Disposition: Complaint > App issue > Ola Share icon not visible on the App (How to Dispose?)


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