Ola Outstation: Booking

Voice Team

  1. Bookings must be done 1 hour - 48 hours before Pick Up time 
  2. Driver Allotment:- An hour before the scheduled Pickup time
  3. Driver Details:-  Will be shared through SMS to Registered Mobile Number
  4. Driver Details can be checked on Ola App:-  ‘Track  Ride’ option 

  • No cabs available:  Customer will receive a message - “No cab could be allocated due non availability”
  • DDD / Cab Arrival Delay: Re-allot the Cab (How to Re-allot)

Email Team

  1. Reply to the customer with the steps mentioned above
  2. Dispose as “I am solving this ticket” (How to Solve/Escalate the Ticket)

Disposition: Query > Outstation Query (How to Dispose?)



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